The Stepford Wives is a 1975 satirical thriller film, and later a 2004 remake, that depicts a community of women in the fictional town of Stepford, Connecticut who are replaced with robotic copies that are submissive to their husbands. The film...
Hippie Fashion in the 1960s The hippie movement of the 1960s was characterized by a rejection of traditional values and a desire for freedom and individuality. This spirit was reflected in the fashion of the time, which featured bold, colorful...
Ready to transport yourself back to the age of jazz and flappers? The Roaring 20s was an iconic period that celebrated a carefree lifestyle with loads of glamour and fun. If you’re looking for an exciting costume idea this year, consider making your...
The iconic 90s trend is back with a bang, thanks to all the fashion shows in ‘22, highlighting fishnet garments. As a result, the usually classy look of men’s fashion gave space to upbeat and over-the-top new arrivals. Hence, fishnet shirts for men...
There is a great sense of nostalgia for the 80s among pop culture, fashion, music, and art fans today. The era inspired modern-day television series such as Stranger Things, allowing teens of the current generation to experience the 80s as well...
Magical mood rings, pet rocks, and hot pants- the 1970’s in a nutshell. A simpler time when all that mattered was getting down with your friends and perfecting your funky chicken dance. Luckily, we can tap into the 1970’s spirit with a super-fly...
The year 2019 marks the 30th anniversary for a number of notable events in pop culture: the Simpsons; Madonna’s Like a Prayer; the fall of the Berlin Wall; and the Apple Macintosh computer, to name a few. There is certainly no shortage of...